Updated consumer product use patterns for model parameterization, including for susceptible populations and an expanded product scope
This dataset summarizes new consumer product use pattern information (habits and practices data) that have been curated into the Factotum system. The data represents information from 122 public documents that have been uploaded and curated for harmonized Product Use Categories (PUCs), product attributes (e.g., form such as spray or liquid, etc.), the type of data available in the document (e.g., population prevalence, mass per use, frequency of use, duration of use, etc.), the population(s) (e.g., age group, gender, or special/susceptible population) for which data are available, the geographic region (if any) referenced, and the study type (peer-reviewed publication, government report, etc.) The documents and the extracted data are available with the Factotum application for use by ORD and program office partners in exposure assessments.